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Hello XYZ,

I am writing to you to let you know that I am a member of GCC. This means I am committed to reducing the environmental impacts of the art sector and reaching a 50% reduction in emissions and near-zero waste across the industry by 2030.

Given the urgency of the climate crisis, I felt it was important to share my targets and the actions I am taking to reach them with you.

I wanted to know what the studio’s strategy is to reduce the environmental impacts of the building. Do you have a decarbonisation action plan in place? GCC provides resources to support creating one if not!

As the carbon footprint of my practice is so tied to the energy used in the studio, I would like to understand this in more detail. To begin with, it would be great to know:

  1. Who is the energy provider of the building?
  2. Is there current onsite renewable energy infrastructure such as solar panels, or any future plans to install something like this?
  3. What type of lighting is installed on the premises? (e.g. LED, Halogen)

GCC has produced Energy best practice guidelines for the arts sector which set out some easy wins and longer-term actions to take. As a paying user of your studios, I am keen to explore the possibility of [Insert Studio Name] actioning these.

I see environmental responsibility as a collective aim and hope that this email can be the start of a conversation and series of actions that we work on together.

Best wishes,

[insert name]